When you work from home, having a proper place to do so usually helps increase productivity. And if said space, whether its own room or a corner of one, is clean and organised, even better! Here is our first collection of ten images for you to draw inspiration from. Without further ado, home office (corners)!
The Results Of Decorating, Cleaning And Organising A Space
We will jump right in :)
Nothing like adding a personal touch to the work space, right?
Now tell us, is your office in a state of complete chaos and do you work well in such conditions? Or do you prefer neat piles? Or perhaps everything tucked away out of sight?
Wemla aka Nina in this post works from home in a studio apartment and after having moved a third time withing twelve months, I’m still surrounded by moving boxes and aggravating piles, hehe. You’re not alone if you picked chaos above… Getting there slowly, though.
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